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Hi! Our names are Jordyn and Claire. As huge Harry Styles fans, we have always tried to live by his motto "Treat People With Kindness." When we had the opportunity to meet him, we wanted to give him something to show how appreciative we are of everything he's given us. That's when we came up with the idea to make him the "Fine Line" bracelet. 

When we saw that Harry was wearing our creation the next day and hundreds of fans were asking for bracelets of their own, we knew we had to use the opportunity we were given to make a difference. That's why we created this business, Fine Line Beads, to sell the bracelets to Harry fans like ourselves and give back while we do it. 100% of profits will go to various charities such as Black Lives Matter, Coronavirus Relief Fund, and Environmental Defense Fund.

Thank you for helping us make a difference. TPWK!

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